1. Repeat Sentence: Sample 1

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Apart from passion, there may be various purposes of reading something.


2. Repeat Sentence: Sample 2

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Turmeric is rich in antioxidants and is a recognized preservative.


3. Repeat Sentence: Sample 3

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Although the sites were remote, many Aboriginal people were forced to move.


4. Repeat Sentence: Sample 4

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Yesterday I went shopping for groceries with my wife.


5. Repeat Sentence: Sample 5

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A refined version was marketed to consumers in 1994 by BellSouth .


6. Repeat Sentence: Sample 6

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Long life is a gift that has never been democratically distributed.


7. Repeat Sentence: Sample 7

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Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.


8. Repeat Sentence: Sample 8

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Scientists have pinpointed the cells that cause hair to turn gray and to go bald in mice.


9. Repeat Sentence: Sample 9

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Learning should be fun and accessible to everyone, but in many cases, it isn’t. 


10. Repeat Sentence: Sample 10

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Restaurant food has much higher levels of sodium, sugar and saturated fat.



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