Listening part tests your ability to understand spoken English in an academic environment. It also tests your ability to understand a variety of accents, both native and non-native.

Listening (total time 45-57 minutes)

Task type Number of Tasks Task description Skills assessed Text/ Recording Length
Summarize spoken text 2- 3 After listening to a recording, write a summary of 50- 70 words. listening and writing 60- 90 seconds
Multiple choice, choose multiple answers 2- 3 After listening to a recording, answer a multiple-choice question on the content or tone of the recording by selecting more than
one response.
listening 40- 90 seconds
Fill in the blanks 2- 3 The transcription of a recording appears on screen with several Fill in the blanks. While listening to the recording, type the missing words into the blanks. listening and  writing 30- 60 seconds
Highlight correct summary 2- 3 After listening to a recording, select the paragraph that best summarizes the recording. listening and reading 30-90 seconds
Multiple choice, choose single answer 2- 3 After listening to a recording, answer a multiple-choice question on the content or tone of the recording by selecting single response. listening 30- 60 seconds
Select missing word 2- 3 After listening to a recording, select the missing word or group of words that completes the recording. listening 20- 70 seconds
Highlight incorrect words 2- 3 The transcription of a recording appears on screen. While listening to the recording, identify the words in the transcription that differ from what is said. listening and reading 15- 50 seconds
Write from dictation 3- 4 After listening to a recording of a sentence, type the sentence. listening and writing 3-5 seconds

Each recording is played only once. You may take notes using the Erasable Noteboard Booklet and pen, and use these notes as a guide when answering the tasks.
With the exception of Summarize spoken text, listening task types are not timed individually. You can refer to the timer in the upper right-hand corner of the computer screen “Time Remaining” which counts down the time remaining for the listening part.


COMMUNICATIVE SKILLS Enabling skills and other traits scored
Summarize spoken text
2 Provides a good summary of the text. All relevant aspects are mentioned.
1 Provides a fair summary of the text, but one or two aspects are missing.
0 Omits or misrepresents the main aspects.
2 Contains 50- 70 words.
1 Contains 40- 49 words or 71 – 100 words.
0 Contains less than 40 words or more than 100 words. Summary is written in capital letters. contains no punctuation, or consists only of bullet points or very short sentences.
2 Correct grammatical structures.
1 Contains grammatical errors with no hindrance to communication.
0 Defective grammatical structures which could hinder communication.
2 Appropriate choice of words.
1 Some lexical errors but with no hindrance to communication.
0 Defective word choice which could hinder communication.
2 Correct spelling, but there may be one typing error.
1 One spelling error and/or more than one typing error.
0 More than one spelling error and/or numerous typing errors.
  Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers
LISTENING Partial credit, points deducted for incorrect options chosen:
1 Each correct response
-1 Each incorrect response
0 Minimum score
Fill In the blanks
1 Each correct word spelled correctly
0 Minimum score
Highlight correct summary
1 Correct response
0 Incorrect response
Multiple-choice, choose single answer
LISTENING Correct/Incorrect:
Correct response
Incorrect response
Select missing word
LISTENING Correct/Incorrect:
1 Correct response
0 Incorrect response
Highlight incorrect words
LISTENING AND READING Partial credit, points deducted for incorrect options chosen:
Each correct word
Each incorrect word
Minimum score
Write from dictation
1 Each correct word spelled correctly
0 Each incorrect or misspelled word