1. Repeat Sentence: Sample 1

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For easy digestion, have smaller and more frequent meals.


2. Repeat Sentence: Sample 2

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These organizations are required to be authorized by the Director of Schools. 


3. Repeat Sentence: Sample 3

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Funds will be used to operate four new schools.


4. Repeat Sentence: Sample 4

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A number of magazines are available in different languages based on different subjects.


5. Repeat Sentence: Sample 5

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We thought that we would see some subtle changes.


6. Repeat Sentence: Sample 6

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The grain of the new wheat variety is bigger in size.


7. Repeat Sentence: Sample 7

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It can cause serious long-term health problems.


8. Repeat Sentence: Sample 8

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The continent of Asia has the highest number of people in the entire world.


9. Repeat Sentence: Sample 9

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I consider that my fitness level is gradually declining.


10. Repeat Sentence: Sample 10

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The next level of organization above tissues is organs.