1. Sample Text 1

A box of rare daisies from the 1850s had been sent to Brisbane from the National Museum of Natural History in Paris. But the pressed plant samples were incinerated because accompanying documents were filled out incorrectly. The plants were destroyed in March because of missing information such as details of the specimens.

Sample Response: 


(Given sample responses are for reference only. Do not copy the accent. Just  concentrate on pronunciation and speak naturally. Refer SPEAKING TIPS for more information.)

2. Sample Text 2

Of the 4,000 chemicals found in cigarettes, nicotine is the most addictive. Its withdrawal influences your mood, well-being, appetite, concentration and even memory. Medication under the non-nicotine treatment stimulates the part of the brain that gets activated when you smoke, helping with withdrawals while also blocking receptors so that the pleasure of smoking is reduced.

Sample Response:


3. Sample Text 3

In one large study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, having at least one fish meal a week was associated with a 60 percent reduction in the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Other studies have found that eating fish slashes your chance of dying from heart disease by about a third.

Sample Response:


4. Sample Text 4

They had been spotted in Bordeaux and Marseille city, as well as in Paris. Police had launched operations in each city, but had not managed to capture them, the report added. Footage posted on social media showed many police vehicles guarding the perimeter of the station.

Sample Response:


5. Sample Text 5

Noise pollution is injurious to the casual mind. What we call discourse, for all its corrosive purposes, has become a festival of shrillness. Simulated angst, pumped-up nationalism, raw hatred, and imaginary fear. It’s competitive logorrhoea to create an India—benighted or blessed, your choice—that exists only in the mind of the polluter.

Sample Response:


(Given sample responses are for reference only. Do not copy the accent. Just  concentrate on pronunciation and speak naturally. Refer SPEAKING TIPS for more information.)

6. Sample Text 6

Most of the men like writing the cars and many other men almost all of them have a specific impressed anything these cars in great speeds. Now that technology is becoming one of the most important things in the world, it is no surprise that a lot of people are adopting into getting the best cars.

Sample Response:


7. Sample Text 7

The world changed, walls fell, empires cracked, philosophers became king, pontiffs turned out be revolutionaries, and the globe ceased to be blocs. Still, in this part of the world, the ruling class, and the parasitical intellectual sub-class, refused to eschew the comforts of their inner Cold War. A Manichean moral universe suited them: a world divided between Dumbledores and Voldemorts.

Sample Response:


8. Sample Text 8

For many years, the busy port city of Marseille has suffered from a serious image problem. Dismissed for its down-at-heel reputation, urban decay and often alarming crime statistics, it’s long been the black sheep of the Provençal coastline. At long last, everyone seems to be waking up to the fact that France’s second-biggest city might have been unfairly maligned all along.

Sample Response:


9. Sample Text 9

This book helped me to see some of the reasons why myths and epics fascinate me as much as they do. But what Todorov really points to is exactly what eludes you in magic, in the fantastical. It’s a great reminder-that magic is not what you see, but it is what you don’t understand.

Sample Response:


10. Sample Text 10

Anti-virus software such as Windows Defender would merely have to scan the malicious content for the exploit to be triggered. On some computers, scans are set up to occur almost instantly “real-time protection” or to take place at a scheduled time. Anti-virus normally tries to intercept these things before you get to them. It was “tremendous” that Microsoft had released the patch so quickly.

Sample Response:



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