1. | That which cannot be avoided | Inevitable |
2. | A position for which no salary is paid | Honorary |
3. | That which cannot be defended | Indefensible |
4. | Practice of having several wives | Polygamy |
5. | Practice of having several husbands | Polyandry |
6. | Practice of having one wife or husband | Monogamy |
7. | Practice of having two wives or husbands | Bigamy |
8. | That which is not likely to happen | Improbable |
9. | People living at the same time | Contemporaries |
10. | A book published after the death of its author | Posthumas |
11. | A book written by an unknown author | Anonymous |
12. | A life history written by oneself | Autobiography |
13. | A life history written by somebody else | Biography |
14. | People who work together | Colleagues |
15. | One who eats too much | Glutton |
16. | That which cannot be satisfied | Insatiable |
17. | One who questions everything | Cynic |
18. | A flesh eating animal | Carnivorous |
19. | A grass eating animal | Herbivorous |
20. | One who lives in a foreign country | Immigrant |
21. | To transfer one’s authority to another | Delegate |
22. | One who is a newcomer | Neophyte |
23. | That which is lawful | Legal |
24. | That which is against law | Illegal |
25. | One who is unmarried | Celibate |
26. | A game in which no one wins | Draw |
27. | A study of man | Anthropology |
28. | A study of races | Ethnology |
29. | A study of the body | Physiology |
30. | A study of animals | Zoology |
31. | A study of birds | Ornithology |
32. | A study of ancient things | Archaeology |
33. | A study of derivation of words | Etymology |
34. | Murder of a human being | Homicide |
35. | Murder of a father | Patricide |
36. | Murder of a mother | Matricide |
37. | Murder of an brother | Fratricide |
38. | Murder of an infant | Infanticide |
39. | Murder of self | Suicide |
40. | Murder of the king | Regicide |
41. | To free somebody from all blame | Exonerate |
42. | To write under a different name | Pseudonym |
43. | A thing no longer in use | Obsolete |
44. | A handwriting that cannot be read | Illegible |
45. | Words written on the tomb of a person | Epitaph |
46. | One who is greedy for money | Avaricious |
47. | Something that cannot be imitated | Inimitable |
48. | One who doesn’t know how to read and write | Illiterate |
49. | A person’s peculiar habit | Idiosyncrasy |
50. | An animal who preys on other animals | Predator |